This dataset includes confirmed Council and Committee meeting vote records as of 2020 October 07, when Council and Committee eVoting was implemented. For vote results prior to this date, please visit the Council and Committee Agenda and Minutes webpage at
See how Council voted on the City Council Meeting Vote Dashboard. The Dashboard displays Council member votes on agenda items. Vote data is displayed after the meeting minutes are confirmed. There could be up to a month delay in the data being displayed. This process is in place to ensure correct information is provided.
Public meetings, engagement, recreation, and other events around the City. This file is only updated twice daily: in the morning and afternoon.
For instant RSS notification, see:
The Council and Committee calendar includes meetings of Council, Standing Policy Committees (SPC), Standing Specialized Committees, and various Committees of Council. These meetings may include Combined Council and Standing Policy Committee meetings. Please note this is sourced from a subscription (RSS feed) and so this does not include the full calendar year.
Please visit Council and Committee Calendar for the full year and other relevant information.
Voting station locations, valid for the October 18, 2021 election.
More information can be found at the Elections Calgary website (see Source Link below)